Huwebes, Setyembre 24, 2015


What Makes VSU Beautiful?

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Martes, Setyembre 1, 2015

My Student life at Visayas State University

My Student life at Visayas State University
  Are you studying? How’s your study? Are your grades high? Are you comfortable at your school or with your classmates? What problems had you encounter? Are enjoying with your student life? If you would ask me, my answer will be YES!

          Being a student is not an easy task. Along the way you will encounter a lot of struggles. Just like me, problems like: time management, financial problem due to many hand-outs that I need to photocopy and projects that I need to passed, stress in my exam, plus my family, and any others.

What makes my college life fun is, I met a lot of friends that correct me when I am a wrong. They taught me many things that I do not know before.They make laughed when I am sad, they joined and comforted me when I am alone and sad. They never let me felt that I am all alone.

          Choosing this university was never been a regret for me. This University enhanced and developed my capabilities. It offers a lot of opportunity for me to show what I’ve got.

          I want to end my message with this quotation:
          “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”
                                                -Henry Ford-